School feeding programme impacting positively on pupils in schools

Bikita minerals, through its corporate social responsibility programs, has taken a commendable step by initiating a robust school feeding program. Approximately 8000 pupils from eight primary schools in Bikita and one primary school in Gutu are currently benefitting from the program. The school feeding program has been running for the past 5 years and every school term the mine provides maheu to primary school children. For some children, attending school is not just an opportunity to learn, but also their only chance to have a meal and probably the only meal of the day. It is for this reason that beneficiaries of school feeding programs in Bikita have praised the program. Eleven-year-old Margaret Mutiga, a student at Beardmore Primary, is one of the many children benefiting from school feeding program. Margaret explained that just like other children at her school she was happy to be in school again as that accord gives her the opportunity to have a meal as well as get an education. And Margaret’s mother Judith Mutiga explained that many parents in the district were happy with the Lithium mine’s school feeding program as it helped to supplement struggling households’ dietary needs. “By providing nutritious meals, the program encourages children to attend school regularly. The maheu is also good for the children’s nutritional needs”, she said. Beardmore Primary school headmaster, Mr Muzamani said school feeding programs facilitate children’s healthy growth and development as well as help improve concentration and educational performance in school even as children’s energy levels are improved.  “Proper nutrition contributes to better cognitive development and learning outcomes. By investing in children’s education and well-being, the program aims to create a brighter future for the nation”, Muzamani explained. According to the United Nations World Food Programme, 66 million primary school-age children go hungry every day, with 23 million hungry children in Africa alone.

Scouring powder production empowers communities in Bikita

The donation of scouring powder by Bikita Minerals has empowered communities and assisted heavily in this drought year, said Chief Marozva. “We receive a total of 65 tonnes of scouring powder monthly from Bikita Minerals. The vim is shared equally by men and women. We are grateful for this kind of gesture, we know the company set aside time to produce the scouring powder for the community although it’s not their core operation,” he said. Chief Marozva said the sale of scouring powder was mainly being done by women, but we also have men in our community who also needed to be economically empowered hence the decision to have both females and males in the programme. “Once in a while we receive bulk random buyers of scouring powder, and this helps a lot as we have been using the proceeds from the sales to pay exam fees for orphans, pay salaries for clinic guards and currently we are building a classroom block for the students in the community, “he said. A lady from Chief Marozva’s community Mrs Jaricha, said the scouring powder enterprise has uplifted her life as she managed to pay fees for her children and acquire some livestock. Mrs Daphinite Basera said she went to university and now she is a teacher because of the sale of scouring powder. Mr Eddie Jaricha I am grateful because of the mining company which provides us with the scouring powder every week and our families are being sustained. “I managed to marry my wife because of this enterprise and our lives are much better than before and we remain grateful to Bikita Minerals,” he said. Bikita Minerals provide the community under Chief Marozva with 65 tonnes of scouring powder every month and a total of 100 families benefit directly from the donation. The initiative seeks to assist the communities to be independent economically, reduce poverty and to keep the youth busy so that they don’t end up engaging in drug abuse. This is one of the many projects that is being done by Bikita Minerals to uplift the livelihoods of the people in Bikita.

Bikita Minerals Pays US$1,200 Medical Bills for Two-Year-Old Boy

A Community in Need: Two-year-old Tinashe, from a local village near our mining operations, was diagnosed with a severe medical condition requiring urgent treatment. His family, struggling to cover the escalating medical costs, reached out for assistance. Bikita Minerals Steps In: Upon learning about Tinashe’s situation, Bikita Minerals quickly mobilized to provide the necessary financial support. We paid US$1,200 to cover his medical bills, ensuring he received the critical care he needed without further financial strain on his family. Impact on Tinashe’s Family: This support not only covered Tinashe’s medical expenses but also provided immense relief and hope to his family during a challenging time. Knowing that their child’s health needs were taken care of allowed them to focus on his recovery and well-being. Our Commitment to Health and Well-Being: This initiative is part of our broader commitment to the health and well-being of our communities. Bikita Minerals regularly engages in community health programs, providing medical supplies, funding treatments, and supporting local healthcare facilities to ensure that our community members have access to essential health services. Conclusion: Bikita Minerals is honored to have been able to assist Tinashe and his family. We remain dedicated to making a positive impact on our community, supporting those in need, and ensuring that our social responsibility initiatives create lasting benefits for everyone.

Bikita Minerals Rehabilitates Nyika to Kamungoma National Monument Road

Enhancing Local Infrastructure: The Nyika to Kamungoma National Monument Road is a vital route that connects local communities to significant historical and cultural sites. Recognizing the road’s deteriorated condition, Bikita Minerals took the initiative to fund and oversee its rehabilitation. This project involved resurfacing the road, improving drainage systems, and installing new signage to ensure safer and more efficient travel. Boosting Tourism and Local Economy: By rehabilitating this road, we aim to boost tourism to the Kamungoma National Monument, a site of great historical importance. Easier access will encourage more visitors, benefiting local businesses and fostering economic growth. Improved infrastructure also means better access to markets and services for local residents, enhancing their quality of life. Community Involvement: Throughout the rehabilitation project, we prioritized community involvement. Local contractors were engaged for various tasks, ensuring that the project not only improved infrastructure but also created jobs and supported local businesses. We also worked closely with community leaders to address any concerns and ensure the project met the needs of the residents. Conclusion: Bikita Minerals is proud to have played a part in rehabilitating the Nyika to Kamungoma National Monument Road. This project reflects our ongoing commitment to community development and infrastructure improvement. We look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on local tourism, the economy, and the daily lives of community members.

Bikita Minerals Improves Livelihoods and Access to Water in Masvingo

Addressing Water Scarcity: Many communities in Masvingo Province face challenges related to water scarcity and quality. Recognizing this critical issue, Bikita Minerals has undertaken several projects aimed at improving water infrastructure and accessibility. Water Infrastructure Projects: Our initiatives include the installation of new boreholes, repair and maintenance of existing water points, and the development of water purification systems. These projects ensure that communities have consistent access to safe and clean water for drinking, cooking, and sanitation purposes. Empowering Communities: Beyond just providing infrastructure, we focus on empowering communities through education on water conservation and hygiene practices. Workshops and training sessions are conducted to help community members manage and maintain the water systems, ensuring their sustainability and long-term benefits. Economic and Social Impact: Improved access to water has far-reaching impacts on the community. It reduces the time and effort spent by women and children fetching water, allowing more time for education and productive activities. Better water access also supports agricultural activities, contributing to food security and economic stability in the region. Conclusion: Bikita Minerals is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for communities in Masvingo through improved water access. Our commitment to sustainable development and community well-being drives us to continue investing in projects that make a tangible difference in people’s lives. We are proud to support Masvingo’s journey towards a healthier, more prosperous future.